1. Attitude Magazine | Digital Subscriptons for Ipad etc
Attitude is Europe's No1 gay life-style monthly magazine with blockbusting exclusives that most magazines - gay or straight - could only dream of.
As a style magazine, not just a gay one, Attitude magazine is the undisputed, heavyweight, best selling, most well respected gay title in the UK. It is the essential, award winning, one stop resource for gay men looking for health and fitness, fashion, celebrity, music and film coverage, all served up with intelligence and acerbic wit.
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5. Gay Magazine Digital Subscriptions | Gay Times | Attitude Magazine
PocketMags.com offer a large range of gay lifestyle magazines which you can buy single issues or annual digital subscriptions at discount pricesfor your iPad / android devices.
Titles include:- Attitude Magazine, GayTimes (GT), DNA Magazine, Boyz, Bear World Magazine, FS International, GayKrant, Lui Mag, MÄNNER, Mate Espanol, MM in English, Meta, QMagazine, Quir Magazine, Spartacus Traveler etc.
click here for further information Hits: [1115] |
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